
We need to work for a shift from war to peace and love NOW.

Let's make it simple - begin to follow this circle today and continue forever.

We need EVOLUTION (not revolution).

Evolution is moving to a new level og consciousnes.

If you do the same as always, you get more of the same.

Value Circle 

UWI (Universal World institute) has created a value-circle "dancing" around the universal value (the highest vibration in the universe) Universal Love.  All people that have the goal to implement this wonderful value and to work for it personally and collectively are potential members.

We do not have rules to expel members/supporters. They expel themselves if they discredit UWI value-circle. Most people will instantly know if they badly discredit our values. But remember our fundamental goal is an ideal goal, and if our process fails, it’s a feedback to do better next time.

About the logo:


The loge has its own story. It’s created by Jens Birkmose as a picture of a multiuniverse, a multicultural world. There are a lot of small and big elements that exist individually, but also collectively connected on different levels. The circles are a symbol of a figure without beginning and end. The imagination has no border !!! No connection to old religious and political symbols.


What is our FOCUS

Vibrations are our

living conditions


Love is the core of the universe, which is governed by infinite intelligence.

Evolution is a form of being.

We are all equal across culture and gender.
We are all part of the universe's ocean of vibrations.
We are part of a universal training program
We are free individuals whose freedom stops where it interferes with the freedom of others. This means that we are also part of a collective consciousness.

We have two rein in our ego, envy,
fear, demands on others, pity.

Your brain doesn't know the difference between true and false.

Remember, you are not your thoughts. You have the feeling of your thoughts and witness them.
Willpower is the way to control the ego.


We build communities

UWC is a worldorganisation without topmanager.

We all work with one fundamental universal value - UNIVERSAL LOVE.

We create circles, that want to create strong connections, create constructive news and media,that can escalate a new EVOLUTION.

We organizes local and global EVOLUTION events.

We are independent of all kinds of organisations.

The World needs you - your intuition and mental resources. Join us and be a part of  a new EVOLUTION. 

We are all cells in a universal body and your thoughts create it. Universal love is the fundamental power of the Universe, and our only value.