

The organisation has a simple structure – simple living – because it’s easier to go from the simple universe to the complex/complicated universe. KISS = Keep It Simple Sweetheart. We work on a long term strategy.


  1. We go from a simple and clear fundamental value - circle to the philosophical and complex world.
  2. We are independent of political and religious organisations.
  3. Our primary way is to establish worldwide circles (small and big), clubs and dialog-circles.
  4. Let us also walk for our values.
  5. We want to establish different media to give our friends possibility to focus on the possibilities and the constructive people in the world. We will do that through the internet. E-mail and net-television, net-news, social midia etc.
  6. UWI (the Institute) inspires and unite the UWC (the Circles) and coordinate the media inspirations that the circles want established.

    Support & Free membership:


    It’s easy. Everyone that support the value-circle, the main value (Universal Love) and the part-values can cross all borders in this universe be a member or supporter.  

    We do not have rules to expel members/supporters. They expel themselves if they discredit UWI value-circle. Most people will now instantly if they badly discredit our values. But remember our fundamental goal is an ideal goal, and if our process fails, it’s a feedback to do better next time.



    1. Sing up for membership - thats free.
    2. You can be direct supporter  to UWI (the Institute) as a single person by sending us an e-mail.
    3. You can mail us that you want to establish a small dialog-club or a bigger club doing activities to support the global values.                    Cooperation and support agrement with the Institute (UWI). WE NEED YOU !!!     
    4. If you are on this page, we know that you have some resources and capacity to do something for the collective intelligence.
    5. You can subscribe to our newsletter on
    6. You can send us an email if you want to donate a small and bigger amount.

      We need help to realize our activities.

    Become a volunteer

    We need volonteers of all ages.

    People with experience in communication in all media.
    Organizers who can make the logistics work.
    People who can build our network and create a member overview.
    People who can organize fundraising, accountants and lawyers etc.
    People who just have a big heart.

    Hvis du er interesseret i at sponsorere os, bedes du sende os en besked.

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